Awards Project

We've been making our award plaques for our Boy Scout Summer Camp for a few years now.

First, we designed our artwork.  You can use several methods such as drawing it out on the computer or using clip art.  You can also develop your artwork with a pencil sketch or drawing, scanning it into your computer, and then add color to it using a computer program such as Microsoft Paint.  Microsoft Paint allows you to add text also.  Your artwork can be pasted into a Microsoft Word document to add word art and text.

Once you get your artwork like you want it, then print it out on regular printer paper (ink jet or color laser both will work fine).  Then take your printed paper(s) outside and spray them with clear polyurethane.  Make sure you use many THIN coats so your colors don't bleed off of the paper.  It's best to spray a thin coat and do something else for 5-10 minutes so you're not tempted to spray too much polyurethane at once!!

What else can you do while you're polyurethane is drying?  Well, you can take your wooden plaques ($1.00 each from Hobby Lobby or similar craft stores) and begin painting them using the $1.00 per can spray paint from Walmart or other discount stores.  Again, use several THIN coats so you don't end up with runs in the paint.  Once you get the desired depth of color, set these plaques aside to dry.

Once you build up several layers of polyurethane on your paper(s), then you can let them dry for a day.  You will then have your artwork protected and you can cut out each piece of artwork and glue it on your painted plaques, that also have been drying for a day.  I have used Elmer's Wood Glue with great success.  Again, allow the glue to thoroughly dry and properly adhere your artwork to the wooden plaque.

Then you're ready to apply a few more coats of polyurethane on the plaque and the artwork that has been glued into place.  These coats will seal everything up nice and leave a nice, slick shine or satin sheen (depending on the type of clear polyurethane you purchase).  Again, set these plaques aside to completely dry.

Now all that is left to finish up your plaques are to hot glue your camp patch onto the top!!  We always have some extra patches from our patch order that we can use for our award plaques.